The Ashford & Oliver Mortuary & Memorial Chapel offers a wide variety of FUNERAL HOME options for your consideration. Whether you desire a customized casket for burial, and/or a Mausoleum, we can help you with ALL funeral needs ---- and various other memorial desires!
... Ashford & Oliver Mortuary, a FULL-SERVICE funeral facility. Funeral Home and mortuary offers prompt, professional service for funeral and cremation services.
J. Timothy Ashford (past educator of public schools & member of Kiwanis International) founded the Ashford & Oliver Mortuary, with Mr. Theodore Oliver Sr., originally from Richards, (east Grimes Co.), Tx.
Serving all faiths, the Chapel (named in honor for two past Grimes Co., Tx., educators).
Discover excellent service and prices that COST LESS!!
Mention Our Website: Service to All Faith's!
Receive Up to a 30% Discount Off a Complete Funeral / Funeral Home Service.
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A.A. Commonwealth College of Funeral Service, Master Mason
Lions Club International affiliation
International Cemetery, Cremation, and Funeral Association
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest. Please feel free to reach out to us using any of the information below, or the form. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Address 1201 Farquhar St. Navasota, TX 77868-4235 US
Service Area Proudly Serving all of North America
We Accept the Following Forms of Payment
Texas License Establishment Number 0199
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Green Burial A Green Burial is a cremation alternative, and a viable alternative to "traditional" burial practices in the United States. It is an earth friendly option when considering burial vs cremation. Many families choose cremation because it's seen as more environmentally friendly than traditional burial. The simplicity of a green burial is in tune with nature and need not be expensive. What is Green Burial? Simple and natural. Green burial, or natural burial, ensure the burial site remains as natural as possible in all respects. Interment of the bodies is done in a biodegradable casket, shroud, or a favorite blanket. No embalming fluid, no concrete vaults.